Tub Grinding, Trommel Screening & Concrete Crushing
Material Recycling Experts

Discover the Benefits of Our Services
Tub Grinding
Rubble Master Crushing
Trommel Screen

Mobile Tub Grinding
When it comes to tub grinding services in Passaic, NJ, The Fredco Group has a team of experienced operators and a fleet of specialized wood processing equipment to come onsite and clean out your dump using a state-of-the-art Progrind 4000 Tub Grinder. We are equipped with different size screens to turn your wood and leaf pile into reusable double ground hammermill bark mulch that can be used around the course.
We convert wood waste to mulch! Large logs, stumps, roots, and brush are no match for our wood shear mounted on a John Deere 330 excavator. The wood shear tears up large logs and stumps into pieces that are then fed through the tub grinder for future mulch. All of your wood and vegetative debris in the dump will be processed and turned into mulch saving money disposal.
Our onsite tub grinding services is at your service for daily, weekly, or monthly rentals. We are happy to come and evaluate your needs and provide a quote on recommended rental time. Contact us to learn more.